Thursday, April 24, 2014

Gluten Free Silver Dollar Size Pancakes

When it comes to breakfast, I'm not very creative with making new things. But this morning I decided to go ahead and make gluten free pancakes that have only 3 ingredients. 

1 banana, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons coconut flour and I added a bit of water because it was a bit to thick.
I will say that you have to really enjoy the flavor of banana. What I really like about these pancakes are: easy and fast to make, gluten free, and sugarless.
 Seeing that I was in a bit of a hurry this morning, trying to get ready to go to my part-time job.  I didn't really put much time into these photos.  I just grabbed my camera and snapped away without thinking about the quality.  And then after the pancakes had been eaten and photos taken. I thought about how nice it would be to make a blog post about my breakfast.  And told myself that since I wasn't really happy with how the pics turned out, I wasn't going to make a post about my breakfast. But here I am writing this and sharing two pics...

Pancakes with syrup and apricot spread  

All you do is creak 2 eggs beat them really well, take your banana break in half, mash the two together really well, add coconut flour and a little water. Sorry I didn't measure how much water I used.  And then you just cook them and eat them with whatever you feel like =)

I hope you will take the time to make these and tell me how you enjoyed them! =)

Monday, April 21, 2014

Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse and a Blood Moon

 So last Saturday it was a wonderful night.  The moon was shining big and bright. Like a gigantic night-light.  It is amazing how the smallest things can be the most delightful!

At 11:00 o'clock I stepped outside and looked up at the sky and could see that the moon was being covered by a hazy grey.  And so I ran back into the house grabbed a coat and two pillows. =)  Went back out into the nice breezy weather, pulled one of our chairs off the porch and put it out into the open night and just curled up and had the wonderful company of our three cats. 

It was a perfect night for all those enthusiastic astronomy people.  And also for people like me who just love the moon and stars, and find it fascinating.

Ok, so back to the blood moon and lunar eclipse.  As the night early morning went on.   Somewhere, somehow the blood moon came out.  And all I can say is WOW!!! I know that is just way to descriptive. *Cough* not really.  It was just so fascinating, astonishing, marvelous, and oh so many other things.  You might have noticed,  I'm trying to expand my words into more interesting ones. Instead of amazing < marvelous,
awesome < astonishing.  I mean as long as they mean the same thing,  I'm happy! =)  But the one thing I have a problem with is the word marvelous.  Please don't get me wrong I love the sound of marvelous. Its just so, marvelous. (call me cheesy)  But marvelous also sounds so British, you know.  I mean I love the British and I can pull off a British accent and unfortunately slip into a Australian -Aussie accent.  Guess I have a little bit of both in me. Okay, sorry back on track to the blood moon. 

Unfortunately I didn't really get any good pics of the blood moon. So good ole Wikipedia is here for you ladies and gentleman! Ha so here is a link about the blood Moon.

Did anybody else happen to enjoy this spectacular sight?

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A Early Birthday Celebration

 Wow, two blog posts in one day!! This in unheard of ;)

 So as an early birthday celebration, RC-my sis, John Wayne aka brother T, Mom and I went bowling yesterday evening!!

Here are some pics of that...thank you to sister RC's iPad =)

We all went under different names. You know that screen that shines nice and bright with your scores and  shows who is up next. Yes, anyway we put are names in as: John Wayne, RC and Abbster...

Brother T is checking the baseball scores on his phone =) And yes, somehow the guy in the cap aka as the cleanup guy got in our pic :P

 You better watch out! RC really swings that ball back =)

Haha, yes I kinda lean into it...

And yes, brother T's ball went right down the middle =)


Of Hail and Flowers

Wow!! The time goes by so fast. Can you believe it is already Spring and that yesterday was the first day of April!

So even though it is Spring it still feels a bit like Winter, which I don't mind.  Like nobody knows this, it has been raining and when it is raining I think of the snow.  So when it started hailing yesterday afternoon, I was more then excited!  =)

You have to admit it is quite exciting! I mean it is the closest thing we have received  to snow in our little neck of the woods.

Laying in the grass

Our side porch

 Ok, now this is an interesting thing.  And no, this is not man made. I don't know how it got here but we can be like Sherlock Holmes,  unless you prefer to be Watson...and start with the facts. 1. It was raining or and hailing. 2. That looks like a green slide. 3. The slide still has water on. 4. And if that is a slide-a green slide, then the water must have slid off of it. 5. It must be cold enough for it to be hailing (duh). 7. And so therefore this thing must have been made!!

A hail sand castle! =)

Magic Carousel Miniature Rose

Ohh....the greenhouse is a perfect place to be when it is raining or hailing.  It was so nice and warm in there!  =)

A pretty little pea blossom
 What do you enjoy most about Spring?

And so with that my friends I will leave you to think of the greenhouse and how nice and warm it is. Unless you prefer the cold, then you can join me on my thinking of the snow =)