Thursday, June 26, 2014


Yes, I'm still alive. Hopefully soon I shall catch up on pics etc. But for now I shall leave you with the writing below.

It doesn't surprise me how fast the days, weeks and months go by.  When you wake up, you tell yourself all the things that you are going to accomplish.  But by the end of the day you didn't accomplish as much as you told yourself.  If you think about it, it is truly amazing how long this earth has been around.  I mean it dates on the way back before Christ! Sometimes I wonder if different places we visit, like stores or historical places were once places where some very famous people lived.  I mean how much can history books actually put into their books?  Like in the book of John chapter 21 verse 25.  It says: "Now there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one. I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written."

I guess what I am getting to is. What if everything about history was not written down? I think it is kind of cool to think of all the things that are unknown of our history.  Please imagine here for a minute. What if where your house is, was once a long time ago visited by, George Washington, Leonardo Da Vinci, James Stewart, Christopher Columbus, anyone you can imagine.  But at that time, the towns/city's we live in now, didn't have any names.  So we may actually be living in the very same spot that Christopher Columbus spent some of his time.  I mean think about it.  He explored so many places, but the history books find it a wast of time to say that maybe he lived in, Bailey Country, Maple town in Texas.  Because at that time when he was alive from 1451-1506 it wasn't called that. There was no such thing as Bailey Country, Maple town, or Texas, for that matter.

My brain likes to open up lots of tabs, right before I'm about to go to sleep. When people are supposed to be sleeping, my brain thinks it is time to be awake...please don't ask me why. :P  It was getting a bit late quiet a few weeks ago, but I told myself that it had been a little while since I last posted anything on my blog.  And well...I don't know, my brain dug up history and made me imagine these things up above...

And so what you just read, above was written last month. Yep, so you are reading in the past! Now, that is what I call cool! =)