Monday, November 23, 2015

1 year later....

Hello blogging world. Well, I am probably the worst blogger ever.  Seeing how i have not blogged in almost a year :/  I almost forgot I had a blog to be honest, okay I did forget and today as I am sitting here in our college library,  I decided to see what was in my google file and well I found that I have/had a blog.  With all honestly I feel like I either do not have the time or I simply have nothing to blog about.  Because as of right now my life has mostly been all school and therefore I do not have the time to write blog posts.  Even at that I write essays and they are something I dislike and I have a very hard time writing them. Truth be told, I have found it easier to not have to worry about some social media.  Pretty much i have gone over to snapchat for my social media, it is so much easier snapping a photo of something and not having to think about something to write for it.  I let the pic speak for its self.  Someday I may get back into blogging but for now I well continue to let you all think I am dead to the blogging history....

as you can see blogging is not a good idea for me because I'm still a rambler.