Monday, April 21, 2014

Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse and a Blood Moon

 So last Saturday it was a wonderful night.  The moon was shining big and bright. Like a gigantic night-light.  It is amazing how the smallest things can be the most delightful!

At 11:00 o'clock I stepped outside and looked up at the sky and could see that the moon was being covered by a hazy grey.  And so I ran back into the house grabbed a coat and two pillows. =)  Went back out into the nice breezy weather, pulled one of our chairs off the porch and put it out into the open night and just curled up and had the wonderful company of our three cats. 

It was a perfect night for all those enthusiastic astronomy people.  And also for people like me who just love the moon and stars, and find it fascinating.

Ok, so back to the blood moon and lunar eclipse.  As the night early morning went on.   Somewhere, somehow the blood moon came out.  And all I can say is WOW!!! I know that is just way to descriptive. *Cough* not really.  It was just so fascinating, astonishing, marvelous, and oh so many other things.  You might have noticed,  I'm trying to expand my words into more interesting ones. Instead of amazing < marvelous,
awesome < astonishing.  I mean as long as they mean the same thing,  I'm happy! =)  But the one thing I have a problem with is the word marvelous.  Please don't get me wrong I love the sound of marvelous. Its just so, marvelous. (call me cheesy)  But marvelous also sounds so British, you know.  I mean I love the British and I can pull off a British accent and unfortunately slip into a Australian -Aussie accent.  Guess I have a little bit of both in me. Okay, sorry back on track to the blood moon. 

Unfortunately I didn't really get any good pics of the blood moon. So good ole Wikipedia is here for you ladies and gentleman! Ha so here is a link about the blood Moon.

Did anybody else happen to enjoy this spectacular sight?

1 comment:

  1. Aww, I didn't see it as it was cloudy when I got up to see if the moon was red. >.< But hopefully next time.
    Glad you got to see it at least.
    Keep on writing! Miss you girl!

    -Calamity Rene


Your comment is an appreciated captured moment. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
